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Transform Your Child Custody Journey

 Join the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge TODAY

Are you feeling these things right now?

  • The Weight of Uncertainty: Is every waking moment is overshadowed by the uncertainty of your future? The fear of losing precious moments with your child can be paralyzing, turning each day into a series of 'what ifs.'

  • The Maze of Legalities: The legal aspects of custody battles are intimidating. The endless stream of paperwork, court dates, and legal terms could have you feeling lost in a labyrinth with no clear way out.

  • The Emotional Rollercoaster: Have anxiety, stress, and worry become your constant companions? The strain of presenting your best self in court, while managing the emotional needs of your child, can feel like an insurmountable mountain.

  • The Burden of Decision-Making: Does every decision feel monumental, carrying the weight of your child’s future? This pressure can lead to second-guessing and a sense of helplessness 

    Introducing the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge 

    A Guiding Light in the Toughest of Times

    Understanding Your Struggle

    I know the sleepless nights spent worrying about your future, the fear of the unknown, and the desperate search for a starting point. You're battling not just for yourself, but for the love and care of your child. 

    It doesn't have to be a path filled with paralyzing anxiety, stress and confusion.

    Your First Step Towards Clarity 

    The 21 Day Child Custody Challenge is more than just a program; it's a lifeline. For 21 days, you'll receive expert guidance to transform your custody journey into a manageable, step-by-step process. Each day brings a new prompt, an insightful video, and an actionable step, breaking down the overwhelming process into achievable pieces. 

    Feel Empowered and In Control.

    1. Clarity in Complexity: Understand the legal landscape with ease, turning complex concepts into clear, actionable knowledge.

    2. Emotional Resilience: Develop strategies to maintain your emotional strength, ensuring you're at your best for yourself and your child.

    3. Effective Decision Making: Learn to make informed decisions confidently, ensuring the best outcomes for your child’s future.

    4. Strategic Planning: Gain insights into effective planning, ensuring you're always two steps ahead in your custody journey.

       Aspire for a Brighter Future.

        Envision a future where you stand confidently in your child custody case, equipped with knowledge, emotional strength, and a clear plan. Imagine the relief of having a guiding hand through this complex journey, turning fear into fortitude, confusion into clarity.

    The 21 Day Child Custody Challenge is More Than a Program - It's Your Path to Peace of Mind.

    Take the first step towards transforming your child custody journey. Your child deserves the best - and so do you. 

    Click the "BUY" button below and join me today. 

Buy NOW!

Hi, I'm Wendy.

My name is Wendy Hernandez, and I'm the founder and creator of Command the Courtroom. I've been a practicing attorney in Arizona since 1996. Family law is the primary focus of my private practice which I started in 1999.

I have tried thousands of cases in the courtroom and appear in front of judges on a regular basis. I have made and learned from my mistakes over many years. Because I am tired of seeing the unfairness that families suffer when parties are not educated about the child custody and family law system, I am on a mission to change the landscape in the courtroom for people who need help.

I went into the practice of law to seek fairness for all, and because that does not always happen, I want to do my part in closing the gap between what I see happening in the courtroom and what should be happening.

I am your guide, and I want to help you. The best way I know how to help is by sharing the knowledge I have obtained from the law school education I received (from the University of Notre Dame) and from 27 years of lessons from the school of hard knocks. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I made, so I'm sharing the wisdom I have gained. I want to empower you to learn the information you need to know in the shortest amount of time possible. 

I am here for you.


Join Me in the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge and Fight to Transform Your Future


Lifetime Online Access

Step into a world of empowerment and clarity.
This is not just a course. It's your roadmap to navigating the complexities of your child custody case with confidence.
  • Daily PROMPTS to Illuminate Your Path:

    Each day, you'll receive carefully crafted prompts that are your first steps towards turning the chaos of legal proceedings into a clear, manageable journey.

  • Daily ACTION STEPS to Become an Active Advocate:

    Move from feeling helpless on the sidelines to becoming a proactive player in your case. These steps are designed to transform your anxiety and uncertainty into  impactful action.

  • Daily VIDEOS for Effective Execution: 

    The daily videos aren’t just informational; they're tools to help you implement each prompt and action step. For 21 days, they will be your daily dose of encouragement and expertise.

  • Exclusive ACCESS to Three Additional Training BONUSES! 

    Delve deeper with over three hours of additional trainings that will complement your 21 Day Child Custody Challenge journey. These sessions are tailored to reinforce and expand upon the material, ensuring you have a deep understanding and are prepared for your child custody journey.

  • PLUS you'll get automatic enrollment in course updates, new bonuses and supplemental information as released.
  • 24/7 Online Access from your desktop, from your phone, or from the Command the Courtroom app!

    No more feeling overwhelmed by the unknown. It's time to dive in, gear up, and confront your child custody case with newfound strength and strategy. Embrace this challenge and emerge more knowledgeable, confident, and ready to fight for the best interest of your child.

    Let's go on this journey together. It's time to get real about your case. Let's do this!

    Click the link below to BUY.


Unlock over THREE HOURS of Exclusive Bonus Trainings 

when you join the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge

Get over three hours worth of bonus sessions (NOT available anywhere else) when you enroll!

BONUS SESSION #1: Mastering the Art of Discovery

Discovery can be the game-changer in your custody case. In this session, I provide you with a treasure trove of resources from MY personal discovery bank. Get exclusive access to real examples of interrogatories, HIPAA requests, requests for admission AND MORE. These samples will not only guide you but also give you a practical edge in preparing your case.

BONUS SESSION #2: Navigating the Nuances of Disclosure

Dive into the world of legal disclosure. This session demystifies what disclosure means in the context of child custody, offering you a clear understanding of its significance. Learn the ins and outs of this critical phase, ensuring you’re fully prepared and informed about what to disclose and what to expect from the other party.

BONUS SESSION #3: Strategies for Settlement and Negotiation

The final session focuses on settlement and negotiation strategies. Learn how to approach negotiations with confidence and clarity. I’ll share my own tactics to navigating settlement conversations effectively, aiming for an outcome that best serves the interests of your child and respects your rights.

BUY the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge NOW

Frequently Asked Questions

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Take Control of Your Custody Case

Join the 21 Day Child Custody Challenge Now

Navigating a child custody case can feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn't have to be. With the "21 Day Child Custody Challenge," you're not just learning; you're empowering yourself to turn the tide in your favor. Here's how this program can be a game-changer for you:

  1. Strategic Time Management: Learn how to efficiently manage your time and resources throughout your custody case. This will help reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and ensure you're focusing on the right areas at the right times.

  2. Gain Legal Literacy: Demystify the legal process with easy-to-understand explanations. Feel confident in your knowledge of the law and how it applies to your case.

  3. Develop Effective Communication: Enhance your ability to communicate clearly and effectively, both in and out of court. This skill is invaluable in presenting your case and advocating for your child's best interests.

  4. Access to Expert Insights: Benefit from the wisdom of a professional who has guided countless parents through their custody cases. These insights will illuminate paths and strategies you might not have considered.

  5. Enhanced Negotiation Skills: Gain valuable insights into negotiation tactics specifically tailored for child custody cases. This skill is crucial in reaching amicable agreements and understanding when to compromise and when to stand firm.

  6. Personal Empowerment: Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to be your own best advocate. This empowerment extends beyond the courtroom, enhancing your confidence and decision-making in all aspects of life.

  7. Child-Centered Focus: Learn how to effectively prioritize your child's well-being throughout the custody process. This includes understanding how to communicate with your child about the case and ensuring their needs are at the forefront of all decisions.

    Enroll Today and Start Shaping Your Future

    The "21 Day Child Custody Challenge" is more than a course; it's your ally in the fight for your child's future. With lifetime access, you're setting the stage for a brighter future for you and your child.

    Click the button below to enroll and begin your journey to a successful child custody outcome. Your child deserves the best, and so do you.




I had a very difficult and long case, and Wendy handled it with the utmost professionalism, knowledge and dedication. Wendy and her staff were very responsive to me and my questions and responded to all necessary court requirements. In court, Wendy was fantastic as her long experience would suggest and demonstrated her clear understanding of family law, and she examined each witness to maximum effect. My case was very complicated, but due to Wendy's excellent representation I was given sole decision making and extremely fair parenting time. My outcome was much better than I expected, and I would recommend Wendy to anyone who is going through a divorce

Ashley P.

Just wanted to send the order over. I'm really happy. I got almost everything I wanted! Thank you for all your help with everything. :)

Josh W.

I just went to court and all your tips helped me in Illinois. I was pro se and was able to present a competent case.

Chris P.

I want to say thank you. I just won a relocation case yesterday. My ex wanted to move the kids to her new hubbys house. I watch a bunch of videos from your page, many of which I reminded myself of during court. Primarily things like being fair in your demands and staying on the judge's good side. I'm not sure I'd of composed myself the same way without some of them, as this was very emotional for me and my girls. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.